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卡特三农学术论坛之251期暨“食物系统与政策”海外大师联合工作室(FSP Lab)系列讲座第九讲

编辑:浙江大学中国农村发展研究院 作者: 时间:2023-10-27 访问次数:10


食物系统与政策系列讲座由海外大师联合工作室(FSP Lab)主办,旨在通过公共讲座的形式促进农经学科在学科交叉方面的研究、人才交流和知识共享。欢迎广大师生积极参与,就前沿学术问题进行广泛的讨论和交流。

食物系统与政策海外大师联合工作室系列讲座第讲将于北京时间20231030日(周09:00在创意A729会议室举行,本期邀请到农业系统/气候变化领域的高级科学家Tek Sapkota为我们带来学术报告。


Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Potential of Food Systems and Approach to Quantify Them


The food system today is facing triple challenges of feeding an increasing population, adapting to and mitigating climate change. Climate change impacts all components of food systems (production, delivery, and consumption) affecting all pillars of food security (food availability, access, utilization and stability). On the other hand, the current food system is the significant source (23-35%) of total anthropogenic GHG emission (IPCC, 2019). Recent evidence suggests that coordinated actions are required to improve land, enhance food security and nutrition and help to end hunger in the face of climate change. Action and investment in the sector have been constrained by the lack of policy-relevant and science-based methods of estimating GHG emission and quantifying mitigation potential that contribute to decision-making.

Here, we present the GHG mitigation potential of food systems at the global level and present a framework for a bottom-up approach to assess GHG emissions, identify mitigation options and quantify their mitigation potential from food systems. We believe that such analysis will set targets for food systems mitigation based on local agro-environmental conditions, the mitigation options best fitted for those conditions and stakeholder input. The framework’s distinguishing features include the use of minimal and readily available data yet scientific enough that helps countries to identify mitigation hotspots; and scientifically robust estimates of mitigation potential and cost. This will also help countries to compare their estimates with the level of ambition needed to meet the 2-degree target based on their NDCs. The bottom-up analysis is based on identification of jurisdictional zones and the feasibility of implementing mitigation options relevant to them. Such analysis will help countries to identify mitigation hotspots by geography and commodity and prioritize their investments according to their food security and environmental goals.





主讲人:Tek Sapkota农业系统/气候变化领域的高级科学家

Tek Sapkota Leads the Climate Change Science group in CIMMYT and is a member of the Climate Investment Committee in OneCGIAR. His research interest includes analysis of production systems from food security-climate change nexus. He is involved in studying food-system management consequences in agro-ecological landscape and their effect on food security, climate change adaptation and mitigation. He has served in IPCC as Lead author as well as Review editor and is currently working as lead author for Global Environmental Outlook of UNEP. He is an associate Editor of “Nature Scientific Report” and “Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems” journals. He is an Agricultural expert in the "India GHG platform" (http://ghgplatform-india.org/). In MITIGATE+, he is the global science leader for data and evidence.  



浙江大学食物系统与政策海外学术大师联合工作室(FSP Lab)于20191018日正式成立。该联合工作室紧密围绕浙江大学双一流战略部署,加快汇聚国际高水平顶尖人才,努力构建跻身千世界学术高峰的学术大师及其团队,提升优势学科,推进国际化建设。该联合工作室依托中国农村发展研究院(CARD),国际食物政策研究所(IFPRI)及浙大-国际食物政策研究所国际发展联合研究中心与海外学术大师已建立的合作基础,由来自美国,德国等国家教授及科学家领衔。工作室外方主任为美国普渡大学教授、浙江大学讲座教授王红;中方主任为浙江大学中国农村发展研究院国际院长、浙江大学公共管理学院求是讲席教授陈志钢;常务副主任为浙江大学中国农村发展研究院百人计划研究员汪笑溪。