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卡特三农学术论坛之181期暨READ学术午餐会第五期通告 主讲人:黄子彬

编辑:浙江大学中国农村发展研究院 作者: 时间:2021-05-29 访问次数:160

学术午餐会(Brown Bag指研究学者利用午餐时间进行学术演讲和交流,是欧美国家盛行的一种学术交流形式。Brown bag(棕色袋子)代表参与者自带或者主办方提供的午餐,由于美国午餐盒饭多半都装在棕色纸袋里而得名。




黄子彬,美国罗切斯特大学(University of Rochester)经济系博士,本科毕业于浙江大学,即将入职上海财经大学商学院助理教授,主要研究领域为劳动经济学和城市经济学,长期关注中国的人口迁移问题,户籍制度和城镇化。



Peer Effects, Parental Migration and Children’s Human Capital: A Spatial Equilibrium Analysis in China

AbstractIn China, migrant children are disadvantaged and sometimes cannot enroll in public schools in migration destinations due to some policy restrictions. Some migrant workers have to leave their children behind in their hometowns, which causes the left-behind children problem. In this study, I first identify the peer effects of migrant children and left-behind children on their classmates using classroom random assignment. I then analyze the human capital consequences of the enrollment restriction on migrant students within a spatial equilibrium model. My results show that there are negative spillovers from migrant and left-behind students. The negative effect is generally larger from left-behind students, but both shrink over time. In the counterfactual analysis, I find that if the enrollment restriction on migrant children is relaxed, migration of parents and children will increase, and the average human capital in the society will also increase. Low-skill families from small cities benefit most. This policy increases human capital mainly through two channels. First, it directly increases enrollment in good public schools and alleviates the left-behind children problem. Second, it attracts more parents to take their left-behind children to migrate with them and indirectly reduces the total spillovers. This is the first formal quantitative analysis of public school enrollment policy in China.




